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lauren taylor wysseier

let's get creative.

About Me

get to know me

Hi, I'm Lauren! Currently, I'm a junior at Penn State University pursuing a B.A. in advertising and public relations with minors in psychology and digital media trends and analytics. I'm from sunny southwest Florida, but I originate from the Philadelphia suburbs. I also spent some time living in Barcelona, Spain as a young child... you can probably imagine what my go-to fun fact is during icebreakers.

I'm passionate about all-things creative. I absolutely love thinking outside the box, daring to explore the unknown, and following my "creative gut". Other passions of mine include cooking, fitness, and fashion, and it would be a dream to incorporate them into my career somehow. In my spare time, I enjoy posting my recipes on my personal "foodsta" — @whatdidlaureneattoday. Follow for an inside look in my college kitchen.


Right now, I'm eager to put my learned skills to work in a creative advertising role. I'm determined, curious, adaptable, and above all, excited to grow. Check out my previous work below along with my resume. If you like what you see, feel free to contact me at the bottom of my site! 

My Work
My Resume

my resume

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Contact Me

let's chat

talk soon.


(239) 785-6193

  • LinkedIn
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